You are invited!
I hope you can join me for a Summer Solstice Dark Garden Party celebrating the launch of our TOTEM Flower Essence Deck at The Herb Bar here in Austin, TX on June 21st.
We’re getting dressed up (or down) in our colorful garden party best to surround ourselves with flowers, herbs, refreshments, conversation and (hopefully) some fairy magic at this incredible, local, almost-40 years old herbal emporium.
All Dark Garden Party attendees will receive an early copy of our soon-to-be published TOTEM Flower Essence Deck, as well as several other gifts including: TOTEM Flower Essences and premium samples from The Herb Bar!
Why the Summer Solstice?
As we wrote about last year HERE on Substack, the Summer Solstice— also known as Midsummer or Litha— is the longest (and sunniest) day of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere!).
In paganism, witchcraft, and Wiccan traditions, the Summer Solstice is the most magical day of the whole year, opening up a portal to the fairy realms and the worlds of spirit. After all: our local star— the Sun— is at its peak of vitality, bringing with it the much-needed healing power of fairy Queen Titania.
Titania (and her fairies and animals and nature spirits) have been a big, supportive presence in the creation of our TOTEM Flower Essences, the correlating deck, and even during the recent printing and shipping process. So, naturally, we wanted to throw our flower essence-themed party on her high holiday, crossing our fingers and hoping that we can a few fairy lights or visits as the sun sets in the backdrop of our shindig.
About the deck
The TOTEM Flower Essence Deck is an immersive, magical 60-card invitation to walk through the mystical Flower Essence Garden of TOTEM Readings. It’s designed to empower the spiritually-curious to reclaim the ancient wisdom that comes from these herbs, plants and flowers, providing a line of sight into the alchemical wonder of backyard herbalism and hedge witchery.
The TOTEM Flower Essence Deck can be used both as a learning resource AND as a tool of divination (i.e. psychic readings and “fortune telling”):
For Education: For those interested in Flower Essences or spiritual herbalism more broadly, this deck can provide robust and highly differentiated detail on the energetic attributes of various plants, flowers, herbs and trees.
For Divination: As a tool of divination, the TOTEM Flower Essence Deck can be leveraged much like a tarot deck or oracle deck, arming the user with a line of sight into the energy body, spiritual experiences and/or needs, and potential energetic (and material) solutions for better living—including Flower Essences.
At the event, I’ll be more than happy to chat herbalism, flower essences, and the deck in detail with attendees, as well as engage in a broader dialogue about the healing powers of flowers, herbs, plants and more.
Attendees will also be entered to win a raffle prize: a personalized, one-on-one TOTEM Flower Essence Reading from me— the creator of the deck!
The TOTEM Flower Essence Deck will be available to purchase on Amazon and Etsy in the coming weeks— stay tuned for links and details when we go live. This event will be our very first connected to the deck, and we’re pumped to launch it at our local old school herbalism favorite!
How to register
Spots for this evening garden party are limited, so be sure to register with The Herb Bar (per link below) to secure your spot if you’re planning on joining us.
Here are the details:
Location: The Herb Bar is located at 200 W Mary St Austin, Texas 78704
Date: The Summer Solstice— June 21st, 2024
Time: 5:30-8:30 PM CST
Dress: Whatever you’d like, but we’re asking folks to give us a little night-blooming flower vibe to honor Titania and her Fae!
Registration Link:
Really looking forward to seeing you all in-person after such a long push getting the deck into the world!