"There is a world beyond ours, a world that is far away, nearby & invisible. And there is where God lives, where the dead live, the spirits & the saints, a world where everything has already happened & everything is known.
That world talks. I report what it says." -Maria Sabina
So, I have a penpal. This penpal is a public figure of some renown with whom I have very, very little in common. We “randomly” connected early last year and, very soon after he and I scheduled a time to chat on the phone after he returned from traveling, I had my first UFO experience.
On April 28th, 2023, I saw a straight-up, old school, out of a god damned movie-looking UFO hovering about a block over from my backyard.
It was daytime, I was wide awake, and the object’s features were clearly defined.
Coinciding with the appearance of the UFO was a massive electrical storm. This precipitation-free storm (and the emerald green clouds it left behind) was so strange that even fellow Austin resident Joe Rogan posted photos to Instagram that same evening (see his IG post dated April 28th 2023 for date and details).
While this craft was nearby, I had a lengthy, telepathic, and clairsentient dialogue with it. It assured me that I wasn’t going to be struck by lightening (a concern being repeated in my stream of consciousness) because, and I quote, “That is not within the parameters we have designed for you.”
This left me contemplating the pressing question: who the fuck are the “we” this thing had referenced, and why (and how, and when) did “they” have plans for me?
Several days later, I got the first planned phone call from said penpal. It’s worth noting: he is very involved in the creation of legislation that will protect government and military whistleblowers from reprisals for reporting UAP experiences. So, given this strangely specific confluence, I was convinced that he would think I was a bullshit artist or a crazy person of the absolute first order.
I mean, what are the fucking odds that I would see a UFO right before talking to UFO guy, right?
Despite this, I readied myself and told him what had just happened: detailing that, between our last email and this call, I had experienced my first Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP).
I winced, waiting for the phone to click and go to dial tone…but it didn’t.
Instead, he laughed. He seemed totally nonplussed, saying, “That’s very typical. That doesn’t surprise me at all. This isn’t the first time that’s happened.”
Wut. The. Fuck.
At this early point in our chat, I quickly took on the role of the surprised, flat-footed novice, feeling all of my psychic pulleys and levers working overtime to penetrate what was quickly unfolding as a bonafide mystery.
We talked for a while, and towards the end of the conversation he asked an incredible question, saying, “I know this is going to sound weird, but based on your experience with this thing, how do you think they view us humans? How do you think they see us?”
Without hesitation, I responded honestly, “They see us as their intellectual property.”
He burst out with a hearty, sincere laugh, very out of character for his usually buttoned-up countenance. There was a relief to the laugh— like someone finally putting words to a concept that had been hanging in the air for some time. But there was also a deeper knowing to the laugh, like when a parent is taken aback by some accidentally deep insight spoken by their small child.
He answered, “Yah, that’s about it, isn’t it?”
And we both hung up to have dinner. My husband had just come home, and my penpal had said he was in a car on his way to have dinner with his “spouse” as well.
I remember thinking “spouse” was an odd word to choose. Maybe it’s the age difference? The formality of his communication style? Whatever. I quickly forgot it as I sat down to eat dinner with my husband.
About three minutes into dinner, my ears started ringing and I became cognitively disoriented. I readied myself for a psychic experience, as these physical “symptoms” would sometimes precede a message in a Channeling or Mediumship session. It’s a bit like the ringing in the ears after a gunshot or explosion, except that in the psychic world the ringing comes before the event (or, at least, it does for me). I remember being very concerned that this was happening in the middle of a conversation in the middle of a meal, noting how unusual the psychic interruption was in my veritable Fort Knox of psychic security measures.
With the continued ear ringing, I found myself suddenly remote viewing my penpal at dinner with another portly man that I assumed was not actually his “spouse”, the term he used when sharing his evening dinner plans with me. I realized he was making a joke— that this other man was, for all intents and purposes, his “ball and chain”.
Then an even stranger thing started to happen. I could sense that my acquaintance knew that I was remote viewing the scene. Something about it all being an “accident on purpose”, and just then I noticed a substantial, knowing twinkle in his eye.
And I realized that he was able to psychically “invite” me to this remote viewing conference call.
I had never previously experienced anything like it.
It felt strangely exhilarating, like playing a game I’ve always wanted to play with someone that knows how to play it. It was oddly familiar, and I was absolutely fixated on the potential “why” behind this individual leaving this remote viewing Zoom link for me to use to join the meeting, as it were.
I shook off the remote viewing scene and closed my eyes as the ear ringing subsided.
I looked at my husband over plates of hot food and relayed what had just happened.
We sat for a while, and I just kept saying, “I don’t know what any of this means.”
Turn your eye around
Since that conversation last year, things have gotten even stranger for me.
After the phone call and “spontaneous” remote viewing experience, my penpal shared a few videos and links via email— something about how these “craft” seem to be trans-medium and capable of literal shapeshifting— but we largely went our separate ways, falling out of communication for a long stretch of time.
I knew the experience was significant, but I also had a distinct feeling that pushing things would harm the flow of events to come— and that those events were crucial in ways I couldn’t yet fully comprehend. I also understood that I needed to keep the remote viewing bit to myself. Well, until now.
Then, “out of nowhere”, he and I connected again a few weeks ago.
A day after receiving an email response from him, I had another disorienting psychic experience in waking reality. I was standing in my kitchen and an impossibly white light illuminated everything from the outside and through the windows to the house. Then, everything went completely pitch black. Then it returned to normal.
Just then, a telepathic, clairsentient phrase came through from a being I understood to be Odin. It said, “Turn your eye around.”
I didn’t know what to make of it.
Later that night, during sleep, I had what I believe to be another “conversation” with Odin. He showed me what at first appeared to be a very red and very intense solar eclipse. But then he showed me the same scene from another angle (or vantage point), showing one of these celestial bodies absorbing something from the other, via a narrow pillar of smoke-looking “stuff”.
Then the message came through: “They will say it’s a typical solar eclipse, but it’s not. It’s another planet and our native sun. It’s the other planet that will create the appearance of the eclipse. And our two planets will talk to each other.”
Now, when I woke up I looked at my calendar and remembered that there is going to be a Solar Eclipse directly above my home in Austin, TX on April 8th— just a mere month away from this strange dream about an eclipse that isn’t an eclipse— I was a bit freaked out.
I decided to “phone a friend” to discuss this, relaying the experiences and messages and inquiring about the relevance of the upcoming solar eclipse— or even whether or not it was an actual eclipse.
My friend (an experienced energy work practitioner) and I discussed the nature of the Woo, querying whether or not this could this other planet be Nibiru, the “Twelfth Planet” referenced in the translations of the Sumerian cuneiform tablets that outline the creation of our species by the Annunaki. Or, as my friend suggested, could it be the Astral Planet referenced in myth detailing a collision between our world and an astral body, resulting in all manner of high strangeness?
Or, as I settled into the conundrum, could it actually be both?
After all, the translators and theologians studying the Sumerian cuneiform tablets took for granted that Nibiru, the planet of the Gods, was a physical, 3-D sphere-like planet just like ours.
But what if it’s something else entirely? Something that doesn’t behave like Earth or the other planets of our native solar system? A place in which the confines of time/space have no bearing? And what if, on its approach, it looks and acts a hell of a lot like a solar eclipse?
Oof, right?
But wait— it gets even weirder.
I shared these same strange eclipse-themed messages via email with my penpal, who is in no way Woo-oriented or anyone you would think to share a strange, shaman dream with. He replied with a story shared with him by another experiencer.
In this vignette, the then young boy had a similar backyard UFO experience to my own from the year before. His mother came out into the backyard towards the end of the scene, hearing a low vibrational, rhythmic thumping. The boy did not hear the thrum.
The working theory presented in the email about the disparity of aural (i.e. auditory) experiences between mom and son was that this craft was somehow operating outside of time and space.
Apparently, things moving fast relative to the observer, like a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier, can do funny things with regard to human perception— creating a lag in the auditory experience of a shared visual phenomenon.
And, in this story, the lag (or omission) of the sound seemed to vary by individual, perhaps a result of either age, gender or— and this is where things get interesting— psychic ability.
Worth nothing: that craft didn’t seem to the boy like it was moving all that fast relative to the fighter jets and other fast-moving airplanes he was used to seeing in his area.
Leaving the obvious question: if it wasn’t moving fast, what caused the distortion in sound?
Was the craft bending time or space in a novel way beyond our current understanding? Or was the perception of the craft a psychic phenomenon that took place outside of time space?
Or was it both?
Just then, I realized just how fungible time had been for me the last several weeks.
One example: I would see an email or direct message, read it, and make a note that I needed to respond later in the afternoon. Then, I would go on a walk with the dog or outside to garden for a bit. Then I would glance at my inbox, noting that the email or message appeared to be gone. I assumed I had just accidentally moved them to junk or trash, and made a note to look for them when I was back at my computer.
Then, back at my computer, I wouldn’t be able to locate the message anywhere. Bear in mind: I had scanned them and had the details and action items front of mind.
Then, many hours (or even a day or so) later, the message would come in. At first, I thought I had an email server issue, so I reached out to the senders to ask them about when they sent the message. They shared their timestamps with me.
The conclusion? They had not sent the emails when I thought I originally saw them, but they did all mention to me that they had started thinking about writing to me around the time(s) I thought I had initially read their messages.
Yah. I was having memories of emails from the future.
And that, my friends, is pretty fucked up.
A third of all of the living creatures
A few days after the eclipse dreams, I started to feel really bad.
I was exhausted and felt kind of ill, chalking it up to coming down from finishing my taxes (always a stressful gauntlet) and being on the precipice of getting my “monthly visitor”.
So, one evening, I went to bed early, missing the main card of a UFC PayPerView Fight Night. And, if you know anything about me, you know how terrible I must have felt to tap out before watching Dustin Poirier knock out Benoit St. Denis in a mixed martial arts cage fighting match for the ages.
I really should have known a big, hairy and weird psychic experience was just around the corner.
That night, I had another “dream”: in it, I was having a telepathic, clairsentient “conversation” with something unnamed but absolutely more-than-human, ala Odin. This being showed me my three chickens in the backyard, communicating that, in the weeks and months to come, “There will be a new song over the land, and one third of all of the living beings will hear it.”
One of my chickens looked up at me and I could see something like sentience in her eyes. In that dream moment, I knew that she and I were in the one third of living beings able to “hear the song”, and that it was going to change everything forever.
This "song", for whatever it's worth, isn’t a literal song-- or anything to do with music. I believe it was an elegant metaphor provided in the “dream” to communicate or encapsulate some other, nameless force about to hit us. It felt very connected to my UFO/ UAP experiences and, more specifically, the recent email dialogue about time, another planet, and the upcoming solar eclipse.
I woke up from this dream with the distinct impression that the physical or visible crafts we call UFOs are the least of this phenomenon. While perhaps the most physical and outward manifestation, I don't think all of the UAP sightings are going to be in the ballpark of the most impactful elements of whatever *this* (gestures around) is.
It gets weirder
When I woke from this strange dream message, I felt like I was dying. Like, considering going to the emergency room-levels of feeling bad.
I wondered if I had some kind of super-Covid, or if our new backyard hens might have given me some unholy bird flu and I was going to be the patient zero in a new and unfortunate plague.
Then, I discovered that I had my monthly “visitor”, and decided once again that it was likely the culprit for my intense state of yuck.
I just needed to man up, I told myself. So, I drank a cup of coffee and get on with things, squinting through a migraine and asking everyone in my house to lower their voices, else my head would surely shatter into a million pieces.
I got dressed and went outside to let our chickens out of their coup to forage in the yard before taking my husband to see Dune 2 for his birthday. Seeing the chickens after the very realistic (and surrealistic) dream the night before was jarring, and reminded me of the strange message about a “song”.
Ahead of getting ready to go to the theater, I became suddenly very startled when I looked around and could only see two of the chickens. I called to them, using my “treat voice”, but only the two visible chickens came to my call. I looked everywhere, yelling for my husband and terrified that some predator had gotten to one of the girls without any noise or sign or evidence.
Bradford ran outside with his pellet gun, using the scope to scan the trees for a potential bird of prey noshing on our sweet little raptor baby. Just then, I heard a noise from inside the coup and ran to it, opening the back door to reveal Circe Lannister hiding beneath a mountain of hay, laying right next to an egg.
She went in the coup and didn’t answer me because she was laying the first egg of our chicken experiment! We were instantly relieved and laughed off the temporary adrenaline dump of thinking she was being eaten by some unseen monster.
But then another, stranger dread started to creep into my consciousness.
Circe Lannister was the chicken that looked at me in my dream.
She just laid her first egg.
And I just started a menstrual cycle for the fucking record books.
And those of you up on your biology might know that these bodily functions are kind of the same thing despite species-level nuanced differences. You know. Like how I don’t lay a physical egg. Because that would surely be one of the final signs of the apocalypse.
Also worth nothing: human women sync up with each other’s cycles in much the same way that chickens do, broadcasting it through some strange, unseen and unheard (and not fully understood by science) pheromone signal.
All of this begged the strangest question ever: did I sync up my cycle with my chickens? Or, more precisely, with this one chicken from my weird dream in which we were hearing a “song” that wasn’t a song from an ultra-terrestrial, superhuman intelligence?
My immediate thought? “Fuck this.”
I did not have chicken + telepathic alien + menstrual cycle stuff on my fucking bingo card for 2024. And I wanted to tap out of this line of thinking.
So, I dismissed the strange confluence and we put the chickens away, got dressed and went our local movie theater to enjoy Dune 2 like normal, red-blooded Americans.
I even ordered a soft pretzel. What’s more normal and basic than that?!?
But, despite my best efforts, the high strangeness followed me.
Not only was I struggling with the mother of all migraine headaches, but I was having trouble reading the giant words on the screen during the previews. For some reason, my brain or my eyes or some combination of the two were not just transposing words ala dyslexia, but were utterly changing phrases— and changing them into messages strangely relevant for me.
I know, I know. This sounds like the ramblings of a scitzophrenic, which is why I decided it was a good time to order champagne (despite the headache) at 10:30 in the morning.
They serve champagne at movie theaters in Texas.
“Time to shut this shit off”, I thought to myself, as I tried to will myself to JUST BE NORMAL for a few hours with the help of some alcohol.
And it worked. I mean, as much as it could. I don’t remember a lot of the movie and spent the rest of the day laying on a chaise lounge outside, barely able to pull thoughts together or get much of anything done around the house.
And, by the evening, the “storm” as it were had already passed. I felt normal again. Focused. Able to read and think and speak.
But in the days since, synchronicities and high strangeness have continued to accelerate.
One example: Just yesterday, I was contemplating restocking my supply of blue lotus herbal tea. I then got distracted by other stuff, and later went out to check the mail. One of my clients had sent me a really thoughtful, deeply personal note in a card— along with a supply of blue lotus tea.
She even wrote, “I just got a hit you’d like this and needed it for some reason."
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Worth noting: blue lotus tea was called “dream tea” by the ancient Egyptians, who venerated the blossoms for their third-eye opening, past life-accessing attributes.
And this is not an isolated synchronicity. If I were to include all of them from just the last week alone, this post would veer into a Dostoevsky-length phone book of coincidences and synchronicities and signs and symbols. If I’ve been slow to respond to your notes or emails, just know that I’ve been neck-deep in the strangest of high strangeness, and doing “life” during these cycles is particularly challenging.
And, as anyone who has experienced this stuff knows all too well, it’s almost impossible to convey the feeling that comes with these otherwise banal, though statistically improbable moments. Writing this is hard. I know there’s 99% more meat than I’m able to encapsulate in a Substack post.
So, just know it’s a lot more intense and strange IRL.
Solar Eclipse in Aries
Even sitting here writing this, I’m genuinely feeling strange and cognitively altered. There’s something about psychic proximity to this topic (whatever the hell it even is) that shifts my state of consciousness— and whether it’s reading an email or writing a Substack post, I consistently get a case of the weirds.
And I think this is only going to increase as we get closer to the April 8th Solar Eclipse, which will be in the sign of Aries. Not only is Aries the first Zodiac sign, kicking off the action as a kind of astrological New Year, but Aries also has some very relevant (and very ancient) ties to ancient Sumeria— and the related stories of our “creators” and their “return”.
The ram was the symbol of Sumerian “god” Marduk, who— according to translations of Sumerian cuneiform texts— insisted that thousands of ram statues be set up, per precise Sumerian astrology, in Egypt:
These ram statues were configured to align with such a solar eclipse back in the day, seemingly built in preparation for an identical solar event. The ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans, Aztecs and more all saw eclipses like the one we’ll experience on April 8th as a catalyst for major change. In some traditions, such an eclipse is also seen as the opening of a portal to the “other worlds” and, in some of these mythical stories, the “gods” of antiquity are said to return to earth.

And that’s not creepy or anything. Doesn’t keep me up at night at all. And there’s nothing resembling “ancient evidence” for any of this. So, we should be good.
Several months ago, I had contemplated hosting an event here at my work/ live space to celebrate the eclipse, handing out camera obscuras and eclipse safety glasses to friends and clients as the event happened directly above us in Austin, TX.
Then, I started to modify my plans as I navigated the aforementioned high strangeness, considering inviting just a handful of people to join in.
Now, as I sit here writing this today, I think I’ll have a maximum capacity of one on April 8th just trying to process whatever energy or information coming with the eclipse on my own. I’ve even blocked the day off on my calendar in anticipation of some wild shit that is likely to eat up my psychic— and psychological— bandwidth.
And don’t worry: I’m not starting some Doomsday cult and I won’t be wearing some weird, smocked potato sack garment while calling myself “Mother God” while chugging colloidal silver or anything. I don’t think this is “the end”, nor do I think the aliens are necessarily going to land en masse in some sci-fi movie-level scene.
But I do think a shift is already underway, and while much of it will be out of sight and hard to articulate, I’ve collected a few key bullet points regarding the “phenomenon” for everyone’s reference as we approach the solar eclipse:
It’s liminal and temporal
Heading into this coming Solar Eclipse, I expect that distinctions between dream and waking reality and other, various states of consciousness are going to get super fuzzy. I also expect that chronological time will continue to become increasingly fungible in fits and starts, culminating with the Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
Both of these shifts will be hard to manage in an over-scheduled, linear, modern workday— and will be equally hard to articulate to friends and family. Remembering things like what day you have a big work presentation or whether or not you picked up the dry cleaning is likely going to get super hard, so use systems, reminders, post it notes and more to give yourself some guard rails for actual life.
And, if you’re sensitive or already feeling the high strangeness, it might be prudent to build breaks into your day, blocking off bits of your calendar so that you can reorient yourself or take a moment to process or journal psychic downloads.
And while I have lots of meetings and client sessions every week, I do have the unique flexibility within my shamanic practice to, within reason, follow the psychic breadcrumbs and see what happens when I enter a flow state with these strange liminal and temporal shifts.
In the coming weeks, I plan to take notes and intuitively pursue clairsentient messages. Writing this post is one of those experimental actions, and I may do more.
At a minimum, it should be a fascinating psychic experiment.
There is a distinct physical component
Whatever is happening energetically and psychically is absolutely affecting my physical body in tangible and measurable ways. While this could be correlation and not necessarily causation, the timing is so precise that I’m leaning towards it being a core part of the phenomenon.
And no, it’s not very fun. In fact, there have been a few moments of genuine anxiety about illness or injury before the smoke cleared and I could get some clarity.
If you’re feeling the weird and can manage it, go a bit slower in the coming weeks. Take some salt baths. Maybe stay in and read a book in lieu of going out for drinks. I’ve found that I need a lot more space and quiet to accommodate whatever “this” is than usual, and it’s a genuine effort to ground and root on a daily basis.
It will shift our perspective
I had an M-Brane Theory experience several years ago that quite literally prevented me from closing up TOTEM Readings. I wrote about this experience HERE on Substack.
Several months after this M Theory experience— in which I viewed myself from a fourth or fifth dimensional perspective— I started watching the first season of True Detective and nearly shat myself when I saw the clip embedded above.
It perfectly explains my own bizarre M-Brane moment and demonstrates the kind of game-changing paradigm and perspective shifts we may experience as we approach this April 8th’s Solar Eclipse.
The primary question this eclipse seems to be asking is: “Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?”
While such lines of questioning can be momentarily disorienting and upsetting— as all paradigm and perspective shifts necessarily are— they always result in greater understanding
The upshot
Honestly, I’m pretty bullish on the future, and feel optimistic and curious about whatever this “new song” hitting planet earth around the April 8th Solar Eclipse might be.
And I’m not too worried about naming or collating or categorizing it into its proper Woo taxonomy, expressing it and its meaning to others. I genuinely think that this “new song” will transcend our language models and current understanding of the nature of our reality, leaving us without metaphor or reference material from which to orient ourselves.
I also believe this “new song” will be a good in and of itself, and that the phenomenon will have its own, innate value to us without being documented or distilled or commoditized or shared on social media.
What I’ve been experiencing in the last several weeks feels like a kind of culmination of all of the shamanic work I’ve done to date, perhaps even including a few past lives. And it doesn’t just feel like a culmination for me. Rather, this feels like a fascinating evolutionary tipping point for us as a species, and I think everything past this window will be genuinely novel, asymmetric and unpredictable— even for the most cogently psychic among us.
From what I’ve gleaned from the preview to date, reality really is going to be stranger and more awe-inspiring than fiction. To accommodate this shift, I’m working to expand and surrender— and not white knuckle any ideas or paradigms or belief systems to which I’ve become attached.
Something bigger and more profound is going to come in its place.
And I, for one, am eager to “hear” this “new song”.
Wow wow and wow. Totally wild. I think I need to read this over and over again few more times!
HOLY. FUCK. Rachel!!! Man, hang in there. I had to read this twice, I’m flabbergasted. The clairaudient thing, man, too much to go into detail here, but I’ll just say this sense has been warping for me and lots of ear ringing and transmissions. High-strangeness indeed and I’ve been having physical issues as well. Also-animals are behaving differently in waking life and journeying. There’s lots of hummingbirds in my courtyard, but one in particular keeps coming right up to me and doing this back and forth dance. Elephant in my journey yesterday stared so deeply into my eyes with such sentience I was like wait what?! Oh, lotus tea…check! And Literally the message I left you yesterday was about how I’d had so many synchronicities in the last couple weeks that I could fill a novel. Woah. Just woah. Keep writing about this, we need it.