Exploring and fine-tuning the “psychology of the chakras” is a major component of our TOTEM Spiritual Transformation Coaching Program. What is the “psychology of the chakras”, you might be asking? Well, simply put, it’s the energetic fingerprint of the work you are here on planet earth to do.
Instead of fixating on goals or ego attachments or social pressures, our coaching program instead pivots to where your energy naturally wants to flow and manifest. What are your dominant chakras? What does this say about your life’s purpose? And what could you do all day long without tiring of it?
In this way, we’re not fighting the energy body— and our soul’s purpose— at every turn, instead harnessing its natural momentum to fuel our work on planet earth.
For me, this immersion in the world of the chakras has heightened my awareness of my overall energy body, arming me with a toolkit I can use to dial in what’s working, what’s falling short, and what needs to be supported. While I’m strong in my sacral and throat chakras, I tend to struggle with play and joy, requiring that I focus a bit on my navel chakra if I want to stay healthy, vital and inspired. I can also override my root chakra, pushing my energy body beyond its natural thresholds in a physical body, resulting in shamanic illness, burnout, and unplanned absences.
Simple awareness of which chakras tend to get neglected or banged up in the course of everyday life can be a game changer— and not just for the “woo” among us. This is practical life stuff, facilitating simultaneous self-awareness and self-acceptance, empowering us to get into the solution in tangible, needle-moving ways.
And, when one considers the ease with which flower essences quite literally “feed” (nourish) our “souls” (aka energy bodies), it only makes sense to design flower essences that specifically support our chakras— where and when the help is needed most.
Which is why we’re announcing a new set of TOTEM Flower Essences: Premium Chakra Blends. Each of these new flower essence blends harmonizes three TOTEM Flower Essences to hone in on the unique needs of each chakra:
Crown Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Crown Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to support spiritual and psychic connection to the realm of spirit, and is a premium blend of our Crown of Stars (tuberose), Liquid Moonlight (jasmine), and Archangel (blue lace iris) flower essences.
Crown Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to support spiritual and psychic connection to the realm of spirit. Have you been feeling disconnected from your spirit guides? Unable to receive their messages? Feeling stuck in your psychic work? Want to amplify your inherent psychic abilities? Convinced that you don’t have any extrasensory abilities?
This flower essence might be for you, and is particularly supportive for working psychics and practitioners, especially those that channel and communicate with spirit guides, angels, and the divine realms.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Third Eye Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Third Eye Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to open up your psychic sight, supporting divination and scrying, and is a premium blend of our Black Mirror (black iris), Lucid Dream (mugwort), and Astral Travel (poppy) flower essences.
Third Eye Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to open up your psychic sight, supporting divination (i.e. tarot card reading, astrology, palmistry, and tea leaf readings) and providing a line of sight into the “other side”. Are you trying to see the messages from spirit more clearly? Have more intentional, lucid and precognitive dreams? Gain insights into the future? Turn up the volume on your intuition and make it work in pragmatic ways for you?
This flower essence might be for you, and is particularly helpful to anyone providing psychic readings to the public.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Throat Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Throat Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to give you energetic permission to speak up, be heard, and have your needs met, made of a premium blend of our Outspoken (orange trumpet flower), Cat’s Meow (catnip), and Dragon Lady (snapdragon) flower essences.
Do you have a hard time asserting yourself? Do you tend to get tongue-tied in conversation? Do you feel uncomfortable taking up space or asking for what’s yours? Have you been holding in anger or suppressing negative feelings?
This flower essence might be for you, and is particularly helpful to anyone trying to step out into the spotlight and express their thoughts to others.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Heart Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Heart Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence is designed to open, soothe and care for your heart chakra, the seat of your emotions and empathic psychic capabilities, and is made of a premium blend of our Thug Rose (rose), Chill Pill (meyer lemon), and Muse (Mexican torch sunflower) flower essences.
Are you a sensitive soul? Do you tend to take on the emotions and energies of others? Are you a harmonizer that wants to make things more beautiful? Are you recovering from an emotional trauma, like a breakup? Are you processing grief from loss?
This flower essence might be for you, and is particularly optimal for empaths, artists, musicians, and energy healers.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Navel Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Navel Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence helps you nourish and support yourself—and cultivate joy, and is made of a premium blend of our Liquid Sunlight (black-eyed Susan), Feast (Mesquite), and Reclaim Yourself (Desert Rose) flower essences.
Are you running at a joy deficit? Do you feel like life is all work and no play? Do you carry burdens for others, frequently finding yourself drained by your day? Do you suffer from famine thinking, struggling to see the abundance all around you? Do you want to reclaim your energy, your time, and your outlook? Do you want to focus on self-care, finding new ways to nourish and support yourself?
This flower essence might for you, and is particularly optimal for working parents, caretakers, massage therapists, energy workers, and physical therapists.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Sacral Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Sacral Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence supports manifestation, abundance and embodying success, and is made of a premium blend of our Sacred Temple (tea olive), Orange Glow (nasturtium), and Goddess (tulip) flower essences.
Do you have a hard time maintaining a steady connection to abundance? Do you want to ignite or amplify your manifestation ability? Are you a procrastinator? Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? Are you working to feel more embodied, integrating your physical and sexual experiences while pursuing spiritual and intellectual pursuits?
This flower essence might be for you, and is particularly helpful to shamanic practitioners, small business owners, and those seeking to become way-showers for others.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
Root Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence
Root Chakra TOTEM Flower Essence grounds and reconnects your energy to the earth grid, and is made of a premium blend of our Dead Grandma (marigold), Self-Defense (yarrow) and Spiritual Gangster (palo verde) flower essences.
Do you have a hard time grounding your energy after a busy day of noise and head-y tasks? Do you struggle with slowing down, eating properly or getting enough sleep? Do you feel destabilized or on edge for no apparent reason? Do you want to connect more with nature, animals or plants?
This flower essence might be for you, and is excellent for anyone struggling with the unnatural rhythms and habitats of our modern world.
Learn more and take advantage of our 50% off Chakra Blends sale on Etsy HERE.
All Chakra Set
And, of course, you can get the whole set of seven chakra-specific on sale for $150 through the end of the year, arming you with a magical potion for every chakra’s unique and changing needs.
Not only is the full set a great self-care investment, but it’s an awesome gift idea for the woo-curious in your life. Each bottle contains a blend of three TOTEM Flower Essences, effectively making the set a condensed version of 21 TOTEM Flower Essences— and all 50% off through the holidays.
You can find the set on Etsy HERE.
I think the chakras are largely misunderstood in the New Age community, often falling into flattened, stereotypical cartoons of themselves instead of being approached as dynamic, powerful portals with which to play and collaborate.
And take it from a pro: small adjustments to these cosmic dials can drive deep, transformative change. Taking these flower essences is a bit like doing energetic Feng Shui in the “baguas” (i.e. areas) of our energy bodies!
Thank you all for your support as we work to create, beta test and launch new spiritual solutions for our modern world!