Spring has sprung, and with it many are feeling the urge to venture out into the dating jungle, looking for their next victim… ahem, I mean, their special someone.
But if recent client sessions are any glimpse into the heart of the matter, things aren’t going that swimmingly for those singles navigating the modern dating pool.
It seems as though many are noticing a marked decline in social skills, emotional intelligence and basic civility in their post-Covid era dating experiences. Whether caused by time away from real life “practice” with other humans or too much time spent online, the outcome is undeniable: dating in our modern era has turned into a “full-on Monet”:
So, what can we do about it?
Honestly, I can’t do much about it at all. I’m not a relationship expert, therapist, or dating coach, and I spend a good 30 minutes a day just being super stoked that I’m out of dating world and squarely in my chicken-rearing, gardening, married hedge witch phase of life.
All that said, Feng Shui does offer a few simple tips and tools single folks can implement to maximize love luck when wandering back out into the wild— and it all starts with the Relationship Bagua:
Give your Relationship Bagua a romantic facelift
In Feng Shui, your Relationship Bagua— i.e. the area of your home dedicated to relationship, romance and sexual energy— is in the far right corner of your floor plan from your front door.
Whether you’re looking for The One or just hoping to maintain homeostasis with your current lover person, there are easy elements to be mindful of this in this area:
Pairs for the win: pairs of objects, pieces of furniture, and even paired pieces of art invite in the energy of partnership! If your Relationship Bagua happens to be your bedroom and you’re single, make sure to have two end tables with matching lamps and the pillows for two, quite literally “making space” for the new person in your life.
Crystals and activators: crystals represent the earth element and bring with them the energies of stability and stasis. If you’re dating someone you really like or simply want to energetically secure your current romantic partnership, bringing in some crystals— particularly beautiful rose quartz— is a great first step. If you want to activate your dating life and spark new interest from suitors, light a candle or place woody stems (like those of cherry trees) in a vase.
Image facing the bed: The first thing you see when you go to bed at night is the same thing you see first thing in the morning, and this image really sets the stage for success (or failure). Be intentional about what objects are in “the frame” from your side of the bed (facing forward), and consider hanging art that embodies what you want out of your relationships: romance, loyalty, joy, friendship, etc. I have a framed, abstract soft pink/ violet piece that lights up with the first light of the morning, welcoming me with happy, colorful vibes when I wake up. If your Relationship Bagua is NOT your bedroom, see if you can hang a particularly evocative piece of art in a place of prominence.
No mirrors: Mirrors in the bedroom are not only creepy nighttime portals for all manner of interdimensional wanderers, but they’re also invitations to third parties to “enter” your relationship(s). Yah. Mirrors are some real cheating, sneaking around, high-drama bullshit. Whether you're dating or paired up, mirrors create problems and disperse your partner’s attention to other people. Keep the mirrors in the bathrooms, closets, hallways, and foyers.
Peace Blossom Luck…
In Feng Shui, there is a particular practice in the Relationship Bagua called Peach Blossom Luck. The basic premise is that infusing this area of your home with the colors of love and blossom-themed objects and art can give you a significant competitive advantage in the game of love:
Bedding: If you’re lucky enough to have your bedroom in your home’s Relationship Bagua, you can really dial up the Peach Blossom Luck with linens in soft peach, pink, white, and pinky violet. A red accent, like a throw blanket or pillow, can add a dash of sexy spice— but use red sparingly, as red is a very active color and may impede sleep in large doses.
Fresh cut flowers: Fresh cut flowers like peonies, roses, and even literal tree blossoms set in vases activate love energy and invite in new love interests. Stay away from dead flowers (however decorative or expensive) or potpourri, as these represent stagnant love energy. Also: the more aromatic, the better!
Art: Soft palettes of creams, peaches and pinks and images that evoke a sense of love or beauty are ideal in the Relationship Bagua. You can also hang matching pieces of art above your bed to further reinforce the emphasis on pairing up.
Curtains and rugs: Regardless of whether your Relationship Bagua is your bedroom or your office or your dining room, you can always infuse a little Peach Blossom Luck into your space with love color-themed curtains and rugs. Peaches and soft pinks are actually a great neutral alongside other colors, keeping your space light and bright (and very loverly).
But don’t go full Hello Kitty. Pinks and peaches and flowers and love images can get a little adolescent, so make sure you’re infusing your Relationship Bagua with a sophisticated, adult version of Peach Blossom Luck colors and elements. A great trick to achieving this balance? Add in some yang-intensive earth tones like brown, tan and black to balance out all of the yin!
Real example: A friend of mine undertook an in-person Feng Shui consultation for a woman struggling to find a long-term relationship. She had been occasionally dating men, but it never seemed to go anywhere or lead to anything substantive. When my friend got to the client’s bedroom, located squarely in the Relationship Bagua, she discovered a big part of the problem: despite being in her 40’s, her bedroom was decorated in a full-on Hello Kitty theme, replete with stuffed animals. The bedroom screamed 12 year old girl and, because of it, her dating life had started to reflect this regressive energy.
The solution? No more cartoon sheets, lamps or stuffed animals. Any collectibles could be stored out of sight, but the bedroom got reconfigured such that an adult man would feel comfortable in it, thereby inviting in a new partner.
… or Peace Blossom Madness?!?
Listen, monkey business can be very serious business, and Peach Blossom Luck can sometimes quickly turn into Peach Blossom Madness: too many suitors or romantic partners, jealousy, and/or attention from unavailable (i.e. married) or inappropriate (boss at the office) paramours.
Feng Shui is powerful stuff, so it’s always best to be mindful of the crucial fundamental of Feng Shui: balance.
Too much Peach Blossom Luck can turn into Peach Blossom Madness, so make sure you’re not painting your whole Relationship Bagua in electric pink! And, if your dating life gets too busy or noisy, you can always dial back what you’ve put into place, perhaps replacing fresh cut flowers with a grounding crystal or making the bed with white or tan sheets for a few weeks.
While attention can seem fun— especially after a long dry spell— it can also be destabilizing to other areas of your life and your overall mindset, so use Peach Blossom energy responsibly!
TOTEM Feng Shui Consultations
I love Feng Shui, and I don’t need to visit your house to help you out with this work!
If you’re interested in learning more or harnessing the power of Feng Shui in your life, you can book a TOTEM Feng Shui consultation with me anytime HERE. Remote Feng Shui 100% works, and I personally work with a practitioner across the country for my own Feng Shui check-ups;)
And, if you can’t book a session with me at this time, just stay tuned for more tips and tricks here on Substack. Feng Shui doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive— in fact, much of it is really intuitive, simple, and accessible!
Godspeed, and happy Peach Blossom Season!
Rachel, I’ve been inspired by all your feng shui posts and have spent the last two weekends purging, clearing out clutter, and rearranging. Luckily my bed (in my studio apartment) falls in my relationship corner and I just bought some dusty-rose colored sheets and moved one of my peachy pink toned paintings onto a nearby wall! I’m so appreciative of these posts. Thank you! ☺️
Great tips. Funny synchronicity, I literally just got a rose quartz crystal and a few others with my partner a few days ago. Thanks for the cosmic affirmation! 😂🙏