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In this special Valentine's Day week episode of The Skeptical Shaman podcast, host Rachel White (of TOTEM Readings) chats with Katie May: host of the Love Wild Podcast, founder of Embrace Yourself Whole Coaching, and creator of The Sacred Year Project and Sacred Mother Sanctuary.
The upshot of their chat? Self-love and re-wilding are crucial ingredients to a happy, whole life-- never mind a loving relationship with anyone else (including our pets and children)!
The Year of the Wood Snake (2025) is going to bring in more of the yin energy-- a welcome downshift from the hardcore yang of the Wood Snake Year. The potential downside of all these lady vibes? Grief. Surrender. Being instead of doing. And, while all of this might sound like a welcome change, they're generally pretty challenging to navigate IRL.
After all: the map is not the territory.
But here's the silver lining report: Katie and Rachel have some pragmatic tips and tricks to make the most of this molting-- and how to relearn to re-wild and "be" instead of "do".
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