Two nights ago, I was woken up at 4 AM by the sound of tonal, otherworldly vocalizations. While notably female, these singing beings were also notably not human— evoking the goosebumps and chills that come with proximity to bonafide supernatural encounters.
When I sat up to listen, I noticed about 5-7 distinct voices seemingly set up around the borders of our front and back yards, as though they were attempting to triangulate something. The overall effect was one of “tuning”— singular, crystalline, wordless tones that were seemingly trying to get something into tune, almost like someone tuning the individual strings of a guitar. And there was the added effect of a distinct call and response to the singing, almost like an esoteric, musical game of Marco Polo.
It occurred to me that whoever was singing was trying to harmonize the energy around our home and garden, and the word “fairies” popped into my head as I was listening.
Fairies have been very prevalent at our Austin, TX-based work/ live space since we first planted seeds and bulbs for the TOTEM Flower Essence garden, seemingly invested in the success of the strange plants and even stranger magical potions that come from them.
[For your reference, I’ve previously written about some bizarre and undeniable fairy encounters in our garden HERE and HERE.]
At about the half hour mark, the singing started to fade, and I found myself at the dining room table googling “fairy music” until sunrise. What I found on the inter webs was a rich tradition of what’s called the Cole Sidhe— an ancient musical phenomenon that has, according to various sources, largely influenced both the old timey folk songs and the overall musical and singing stylings of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
The Sidhe of it all
Now, my first inclination was to think through recent TOTEM Flower Essence garden events in search of anything that may have caused this otherworldly visit.
My husband has recently had the unfortunate task of dispatching a few possums that seemed intent on killing and eating our chickens (surely a bad death, as far as chicken mortality is concerned). I was worried that the fairies might have had a special bond with the possums, but quickly dismissed this concern as it was in an effort to save other living creatures— those of the chickens we lovingly call our “little goblins”.
Besides. They’re possums. They’re not unicorns or griffins.
I had also yelled violent threats at a very well-fed squirrel who had been attempting to voraciously eat every single pumpkin and squash seed I had just planted. I said something about how this “was war” and that he didn’t want me “getting my hands around his little squirrel neck”. You see, gardening quickly (and unexpectedly) turns you into a version of your cranky grandfather, warring with chipmunks and squirrels like a real-life Yosemeti Sam.
Were the fairies upset about my threats of squirrel violence?
I decided not, mainly because the fairies know that I would never actually harm a squirrel or chipmunk or bird— their little hands and Disney-esque eyes were just too disarmingly cute for me to be serious about my empty threats.
My next thought was that the flowers in the TOTEM Flower Essence garden had started to bloom, and perhaps the fairies were infusing the blossoms with some kind of otherworldly fairy music magic? You know, because the magical potions we sell on Etsy aren’t weird enough— they felt a need to give them a dose of extra weird;)
But all of these potentialities didn’t line up with the rank or order of the fairy involved: the Sidhe. In fairy lore, the Sidhe are considered top-level, matriarchal royalty, including such figures as Mab and Titania— both of whom are featured prominently in our TOTEM Tarot Deck:

In other words, this fairy music was performed by the Head Bitches in Charge of Fairyland— not some brownie or pixie or even nature elemental. And I could feel the gravity of their presence and their singing in real time, an experience that evoked a genuine sense of intense reverence and, if I’m being totally honest, a little bit of fear.
Which begs the question— what could possibly be so important as to garner the attention and efforts of the very tippy top of the fairy food chain?
Well, there is an eclipse around the corner. And, for some reason, our world governments— and agencies like FEMA, NASA and CERN— all seem to be issuing apocalyptic warnings to the general population while they plan to shoot rockets at the sun and simultaneously start up an atomic collider that’s been dormant for many, many years.
Why would a straight forward, solar eclipse mean that you need to stock up on food, water and gasoline?, you might be wondering.
Yah, I’ve been wondering about that, too.
The Solar Eclipse + The Earth Grid
As I wrote about HERE, the energy of the Year of the Wood Dragon will certainly continue to compress the earth element, both literally (in earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes and the accompanying floods) and metaphorically across various earth element professions and industries (such as real estate, shipping and logistics, Human Resources, etc.).
As the Solar Eclipse has gotten closer, the disruption to the earth element has increased exponentially, even bringing with it an unprecedented earthquake in the Northeast region of the U.S., affecting New Jersey and neighboring states!
Now, as we alluded to in our Solar Eclipse post, A New Song, this eclipse may not be just an eclipse. Increasingly, signs are pointing to the potential reemergence of another planet, sometimes referred to as Nibiru, Planet X, and the Tenth Planet, in our solar system.
As noted in translations of Sumerian cuneiform text (quite literally the oldest writings in the oldest language on earth), the return of this planet will impact the gravitational fields of Earth and the Moon, resulting in increased earthquake, volcanic, and flooding activity on the surface of our planet.
Sound familiar?
If this or something like it is a potentiality, the fairy Sidhe would surely be familiar with the phenomenon, likely having survived the last however many iterations of this epoch since the beginning of time.
In this context, perhaps the Ceol Sidhe music I heard is an energetic preparation for the shifts and changes to come, potentially tuning and balancing the local earth grid to minimize any negative effects of these shifts to the earth energy. If this is the case, I would expect others around the world to have also experienced the Ceol Sidhe in recent days— so please let me know if you’ve heard the music, too!
Or perhaps this is all just conjecture, and the Solar Eclipse is going to come and pass without event.
As above, so below
This recent fairy visit and the haunting effects of the Ceol Sidhe is a reminder of how little we really understand about our world— and the forces operating just beyond the reach of our human senses.
As eclipses are said to bring revelations, insights and closure, I’m hoping that Monday’s Solar Eclipse gives us more of a glimpse of the true nature of our reality. Perhaps even a bit of understanding or, at a minimum, some context for all of the high strangeness.
For my part, I’m not worried about Monday’s eclipse. I’m not prepping for anything other than some psychedelics and a chill afternoon wearing some eclipse glasses in the backyard. I’ve known something big is coming for some time, and I’m personally very bullish on whatever shifts are coming our way.
After all: will any otherworldly visits be any scarier or more harmful than the bullshit we’ve been dealing with here on planet earth in the last four years? I think not.
I, for one, hope that our plane of existence is tuned to those above us— whether they’re above us in frequency or quite literally hovering overhead on another planet. Besides: I don’t think we get a vote, so we might as well embrace the age-old esoteric adage: “As above, so below.”
Love this. Spiritual seatbelts fastened and here we gooooo!
Perfect message for this day! I’m headed to sit under the grandmother tree in the sacred forest nearby, and will let you know what songs I hear ❤️🥰 as we sit back and witness our human journeys on this planet.