You can just do stuff, Natalie! You can innovate and run fast and break things and discover what the thing you're making is...well into making it. No one has this all figured out, and even if they do (for themselves) it doesn't mean ANY of that is going to apply to you. We're all unique little miracles out here in the Woo!
Yes 100%, those two bits resonated with me as well! I very much appreciate the reminder.
I find a lot of the making/the creating for me comes through experimentation. Oftentimes, I don't know something is "a thing" until I'm there in the messy middle of trying to bring something forward. It's a type of recognition that in my experience and my humble creative opinion can really only come through when we give ourselves space and room to play, to wonder and to just f*cking try. It's say the very least but quite rewarding.
I think that people who figure the whole thing out before they get started on it are kind of making something that's already dead-- I don't know how else to describe it. Everything we create (art, music, a podcast, a business) should be ALIVE-- and evolving!
So very happy to hear that you're getting so many inquiries for the 1:1! Having worked together in that regard, I agree that the individual approach is quite helpful and incredibly empowering. What I've built and maintained for myself spiritually and creatively afterwards is long lasting. Thank you!
Thank YOU-- and thank you for the wonderful referral! I get the best clients from the best clients, and I really think focusing at that scale is going to help all of us small business owners in this Wood Snake Year!
Chill Pill is the name of our Meyer Lemon Flower Essence. The card we pulled is from our TOTEM Flower Essence Deck, which we also sell on our Etsy Shop!
Hey Karen— you can find them on our Etsy shop— links are always embedded in the text that accompanies our little audio missives! Here’s the link to our Etsy shop:
We appreciate you too! Thanks for the extra talk on the cards. I've been getting the top 3 cards a lot lately and enjoy learning more about them. Talking of Meyer lemon trees, I'm missing my citrus trees from my previous garden in AZ. 🍋 And YES.... it's freezing up here in the great PNW!
Thank you for talking about that beautiful spontaneous seed the world doesn’t know it needs yet! Never ever gets old!
And that there’s no three key things you have to do because you’re a grown up. 😆
You can just do stuff, Natalie! You can innovate and run fast and break things and discover what the thing you're making is...well into making it. No one has this all figured out, and even if they do (for themselves) it doesn't mean ANY of that is going to apply to you. We're all unique little miracles out here in the Woo!
Yes 100%, those two bits resonated with me as well! I very much appreciate the reminder.
I find a lot of the making/the creating for me comes through experimentation. Oftentimes, I don't know something is "a thing" until I'm there in the messy middle of trying to bring something forward. It's a type of recognition that in my experience and my humble creative opinion can really only come through when we give ourselves space and room to play, to wonder and to just f*cking try. It's say the very least but quite rewarding.
I think that people who figure the whole thing out before they get started on it are kind of making something that's already dead-- I don't know how else to describe it. Everything we create (art, music, a podcast, a business) should be ALIVE-- and evolving!
Exactly!! That's where the best parts of ourselves come through :)
Yessssss this
So very happy to hear that you're getting so many inquiries for the 1:1! Having worked together in that regard, I agree that the individual approach is quite helpful and incredibly empowering. What I've built and maintained for myself spiritually and creatively afterwards is long lasting. Thank you!
Thank YOU-- and thank you for the wonderful referral! I get the best clients from the best clients, and I really think focusing at that scale is going to help all of us small business owners in this Wood Snake Year!
Where would I find the chill drops? Thank you. Love listening .
Chill Pill is the name of our Meyer Lemon Flower Essence. The card we pulled is from our TOTEM Flower Essence Deck, which we also sell on our Etsy Shop!
Hey Karen— you can find them on our Etsy shop— links are always embedded in the text that accompanies our little audio missives! Here’s the link to our Etsy shop:
We appreciate you too! Thanks for the extra talk on the cards. I've been getting the top 3 cards a lot lately and enjoy learning more about them. Talking of Meyer lemon trees, I'm missing my citrus trees from my previous garden in AZ. 🍋 And YES.... it's freezing up here in the great PNW!
Stay warm, Colleen! Those three cards are really great together- very positive re: new relationships, making money, and being yourself!