So, the economy is finally doing “the thing”.
Even if the US Stock Market momentarily recovers from yesterday’s crash, it’s undeniable that we’ve entered a more kinetic, hyper-novel and challenging marketplace wrought with many potential pitfalls and rapidly shifting conditions.
Having lived through the 2008 Financial Crisis actively working in corporate real estate— and being engaged at the time to a real estate developer that lost everything— I could see the writing on the wall. So, last year I dedecided to start to prep my lovely subscribers with a slow drip of Woo-informed warnings:
I also wrote about the unique economic dynamics and pressures of a Wood Dragon Year economy earlier this year:
And I launched our Business of Woo Mentoring Program a year earlier than planned given the sudden surge in demand, writing about it here:
In addition to these posts and programs, I have also just created three online, donation-based Business of Woo-themed events in the next few weeks to assist folks in navigating the unique energy of scarcity.
Business of Woo online events
While I am not a financial advisor of any kind, I am a Woo-based business owner and operator. I also have more than 20 years of corporate experience across a variety of strategic areas, including differentiation, brand design and development, competitive positioning, value proposition creation, content creation, e-commerce, social selling and marketing, innovation and product development.
You can check out my professional and educational background and details on LinkedIn HERE.
So, in this time of fear and scarcity, I decided that the best way for me to both be of service and navigate the waves for myself was to share my best practices and lessons learned with as many folks as possible in a series of short, focused online workshops in the next few weeks:
Navigating scarcity, on Saturday, August 17th (3-4:30 PM CST)
This first workshop will focus on diving right into the scarcity energy we’re all feeling— and will continue to feel— this year. Whether you’re a Woo-based business owner, someone looking to build your side hustle/ corporate bug-out bag, or simply someone seeking out-of-the-box solutions more generally, this is the workshop for you!
You can learn more and register on Eventbrite HERE.
Myth-busting the Business of Woo, on Saturday, August 24th (3-4:30 PM CST)
With the economic conditions rapidly shifting under our feet, expect the noise and distracting myth-building to grow. In this environment, it can be hard to know what’s real, what’s fake, and what’s downright nefarious! This workshop is designed to empower attendees with some naked real talk, helping to bust the myths around the Business of Woo.
You can learn more and register on Eventbrite HERE.
Self-care and Energetic Hygiene, on Saturday, August 31st (3-4:30 PM CST)
Regardless of whether you’re a Woo-based business owner, practitioner, or just a straightforward busy professional, navigating the manic energy of a scarcity economy is very, very tricky. This workshop is designed to empower the attendees with simple, sustainable and human-scaled tips and tricks to take the edge off of an energetically volatile, draining workday!
You can learn more and register on Eventbrite HERE.
About the donation format
I’ve made these online workshops donations-based in order to make it available to as many people as possible, regardless of any immediate financial issues or limitations they may be having. If you know someone that has been laid off, is struggling and afraid, or maybe wants to launch their side hustle or small business but is intimidated by the market, please forward this info to them and encourage them to sign up!
If we get a LOT of people attending and they go well, I may start offering more donations-based online workshops, and am currently noodling on an idea to do an abundance-centered Feng Shui class in September.
All that said, please don’t be a dick about the donation thing.
I’m also a small, Woo-based business owner navigating these same, choppy waters, and these workshops are scheduled for my busiest slot of the week, so if you want to attend and can manage contributing a donation on Eventbrite or directly via the link to my PayPal— no matter how small the amount— please do so! Not only does this support the even exchange of energy, but it’s a great way to expand instead of contracting in these tumultuous times.
Business of Woo Podcast Episodes
And, if you haven’t checked them out yet, we’ve done a series of SOLO “Business of Woo”-themed episodes of The Skeptical Shaman podcast. You can find these episodes via the search function here on Substack OR anywhere else you listen to podcasts: Apple, Spotify, Google, etc.
We’re passionate about continuing to create free content that empowers the Woo-curious, but making the podcast is not free for us on the production side. If you enjoyed these “Business of Woo” or other episodes, please support The Skeptical Shaman podcast by rating and reviewing— a crucial metric to keeping us visible and enabling us to get better and better guests in the future!
Navigating scarcity is tough. I grew up very poor and had several phases in my life where I couldn’t afford food to eat, let alone invest in a business or buy myself a new pair of shoes.
That said, navigating these tumultuous waters is doable. And, the more often you learn to do it, the easier it gets.
Besides, we’re not really in control of the global economic landscape at the moment. And, to be frank, I’m not sure the evil Illuminati is even in control, either!
So, managing what is within our control and staying smart while not losing heart is going to be a crucial skillset in the weeks and months to come.
I hope to see you at these online workshops in August, and please email ASAP if you run into any issues on Eventbrite or have any questions: