It’s good to know we’re not alone, isn’t it? Not alone with our feelings of heaviness, not alone with a sense that things are spiraling well beyond any semblance of control.

I, too, have been feeling these blues, and I, too, know that Spirit is real and have come to make a unique relationship with it in its various expressions. Been a while since I’ve had a wee chat with the little people, so thanks for the reminder to seek them out.

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Thank YOU for reading, and for remembering them.

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Honestly, I don't know that, so long as I have my mental faculties, I can ever truly forget them because some of my experiences were too powerful and life-changing.

I've just been in a funk lately, so your article came along at a really good time, not only offering me the camaraderie in being in that funk, but the reminder that there's more to all of this than meets the eye and we aren't alone.

Thanks again.

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The news out of Asheville NC is absolutely breaking my heart. I used to live there and never thought the area would experience such a devastating storm.

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I cannot process the lack of REAL news coverage or care or concern for the people of this region. Outrage doesn't quite begin to suffice. I know SO MANY PEOPLE there-- it's an oasis for hippies, energy workers, and fucking cool people. Devastating.

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Thank you for sharing this entire post, yes, feeling it too here. Was completely and unusually restless last night not knowing why, and proceeded to hop from soap box to soap box on a call with my mom while talking about the hurricane devastation.

We have family, friends and clients all spread across FL, and while I'm grateful they're all safe with minimal damage, I am having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around that strong of that type of storm slamming into Appalachia in that way. I grew up in Fl and have lived in various parts of the of those mountains. The few vacations we had as kids were to the region, and it's a very special place full of special people. And I feel like no one is talking about it, and if my Floridian parents say unprecedented 100 year storm again, I'm going to lose it. My understanding is there are more systems following.

Fwiw, I'm hopeful too in a strange kind of "reset" way, letting Mother Nature I revere her more than anything else really.

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Holy shit Rachel! Same here. Sunday and Monday were rough and yesterday was the tail end of it. I was in bed for 11 or 12 hours a night, my body was tight and stiff and exhausted, my chest was congested-I actually took a sick day on Monday. And I cried practically all day Sunday and Monday. And I’m talking heaving sobs that I haven’t experienced in a very long time - for no apparent reason…Even during acupuncture…sobbing. Just catching up on all the news events today…woah. I hope you are feeling better today!!!

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Thank you for this writing. Omens and portents abounding here in the regions of the North as well and throughout my family. Northern Lights especially intense these past weeks with the solar flares, lunar eclipses, normally entertaining Ravens uncharacteristically gathering in large numbers and dive bombing specific people in specific areas, spirits of the departed visiting family in the form of birds: Cardinals and Owls. And there is an unsettling restless in neighborhood and family K-9s and children. Lots of quartz conductive crystals and feathers finding their ways into my care and on to my doorstep. Multiple unexpected contacts with and signs from long silent departed kin and living family and friends. Aside from the horrific events of weather and war, this transitional season has a new intensity I've not experienced in past years. Perhaps heighted awareness and renewed openness to the spirit world and reminders like this make all these things brighter and spookeir.

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Interesting. I came across similar comments on Reddit today. Not every flurry of comments of this sort on Reddit amounts to anything, but there may be something worth pursuing in here: https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1fsflho/any_others_sensing_heavy_ominous_energy_the_past/

Me, I'm buried in editing anthology essays at the moment.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Rachel White

Rachel, this is so powerfully connected and I have felt the heavist today, hence my post today that was heavily channeled as a way for me to "move" and it was one of those times where it wasn't about "[physically moving to be active" but it was deep soul movement---, release the energies through my tears, lighting candles, playing my harp and using sacred smoke to find journey and then writing .

It was like I felt all the weight of all the darkness that has passed and is passing .. we had the most unusual, heavy fog here today as well .. with high sun and heat only a few miles inland. So thank you and all who posted here to remind us of all that is being shifted and that we are not alone in this spirit work.

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Oct 2Liked by Rachel White

I also view owls as omens of death! very very few times in my life I've experienced them really intensely but always always right before a beloved passes. owls also represent my grandma for me personally, so those few times it was actually really comforting knowing she was there to help them transition.

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Sheesh Kebab... There's definitely transitions happening. Currently on holiday (vacation as you guys call it) and feel like my people in the unseen are so closeby; with so many butterflies around me landing on me etc. after putting thoughts out there, like instant support. Take it easy Sista. 🦋

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and you take it easy, my brother! I loved your IG posts-- it may not SEEM brave, but it is. The black mirror doesn't like folks like "us", and we can feel it. So, go have a nice cocktail and enjoy your holiday-- and talk to the butterflies!

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Ah thanks, my fellow low brow.. 😜

Just you watch, I'll learn how to use this Substack sorcery at some point soon too!

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Oct 1Liked by Rachel White

Also woke up feeling heavy and tearful. Thanks for writing this today. Sending you big hug/bath/snack/glass-of-red energy. Or whatever big energy you need right now.

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Angela- you have already done the Lord's work by sending me beautiful, handmade fruity soaps. I did not realize until your lovely gift just how uncivilized we were here at the homestead, what with no soap dishes for bar soap at all! So, I ordered two soap dishes from Target to ensure that these precious gems would have place of honor on our sinks. I mean, what am I? A Philistine? Anyways, thanks for the gift and I have plenty of alcohol here so no need to send more;)

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Oct 2Liked by Rachel White

I’m so glad! I didn’t have soap dishes until I started making soap. Philistines unite.

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I’m officially done with liquid soap. We’re a bar soap family now.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Rachel White

This is 3 days later. Woke up feeling this exact way today. Dropped my husband off for a work trip, out of the country today and in all his military years, with the exception of his deployments, I have not felt this emotional about him traveling. Definitely plan on cleaning out the house in general and keeping busy.

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Brit-- I'm so sorry this is hitting you just as your husband is deploying. I have family in the military, too, and these times are very stressful. Take care of yourself -- be gentle with yourself where you can.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Rachel White

I appreciate it. He's actually no longer enlisted just doing the same type of work and travel. I found it interesting that it hits me harder now than it did before. Could just be my mid-thirties hormones hitting harder these days 😂

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