"Let your bad beliefs die so you don't have to" = GENIUS formulation! Truly. I should start adopting that into my covid advocacy it's SO GOOD!
Also, very weird but just last night I had a dream where someone mentioned a philosophical text called the "Grammatica". I was forgetting who wrote it, which was frustrating for Dream Megan because she studied philosophy in grad school and felt she should know it. Then, I suddenly yelled the correct answer, "Spinoza!"
I completely forgot about this dream until guy on the podcast started taking about Spinoza.
Who, apparently, *did* write a book called "Il Compendio di Grammatica Ebraica" (the compendium of grammar of the Hebrew language), which, I need to emphasize, was absolutely NOT anything that Real Megan ever read (or even heard of) in grad school. Weeeiiirrrrddd.
"Let your bad beliefs die so you don't have to" = GENIUS formulation! Truly. I should start adopting that into my covid advocacy it's SO GOOD!
Also, very weird but just last night I had a dream where someone mentioned a philosophical text called the "Grammatica". I was forgetting who wrote it, which was frustrating for Dream Megan because she studied philosophy in grad school and felt she should know it. Then, I suddenly yelled the correct answer, "Spinoza!"
I completely forgot about this dream until guy on the podcast started taking about Spinoza.
Who, apparently, *did* write a book called "Il Compendio di Grammatica Ebraica" (the compendium of grammar of the Hebrew language), which, I need to emphasize, was absolutely NOT anything that Real Megan ever read (or even heard of) in grad school. Weeeiiirrrrddd.