Thanks for this, Rachel! Wow, sounds like a not-so-fun wild ride for you lately, people Very much hoping you feel more settled soon.
This card pull hits me over the head in quite a helpful way. Brian and I were having a similar "phoenix" type conversation just this past weekend surrounding our creative lives.
Thank you! When it comes to crazy people, I am (luckily) expert in reinforcing boundaries. It's just EXHAUSTING work. Frustrating for those of us that want to be efficient and productive with our time and energy-- so much of it is just getting eaten up by saying "no" to other adults...a lot.
Confirming - started this boundary work aggressively a bit over a week ago - really seeing some themes for me of people/situations that pop up in my life and what to do/how to handle. And encouraging for me and others that no is the “new” way to say yes to ourselves!
Sorry Rachel you’ve got a case of the pests - glad you’ve pulled back from in person until this bout passes. It’s like fricking Men in Black - or something…
Omg sorry about the crazy kook! It’s definitely been intense to say the least. I’ve been in the middle of some personal transformation and the shedding started last week and ironically focusing on sacral chakra work, so this card pull is a welcome relief and confirmation. THANK YOU, just pulled out my Phoenix essence and added it to my essence regimen. Oh and totally with you on the chest stuff, it started last week for me.
Thanks for this, Rachel! Wow, sounds like a not-so-fun wild ride for you lately, people Very much hoping you feel more settled soon.
This card pull hits me over the head in quite a helpful way. Brian and I were having a similar "phoenix" type conversation just this past weekend surrounding our creative lives.
Thank you! When it comes to crazy people, I am (luckily) expert in reinforcing boundaries. It's just EXHAUSTING work. Frustrating for those of us that want to be efficient and productive with our time and energy-- so much of it is just getting eaten up by saying "no" to other adults...a lot.
Confirming - started this boundary work aggressively a bit over a week ago - really seeing some themes for me of people/situations that pop up in my life and what to do/how to handle. And encouraging for me and others that no is the “new” way to say yes to ourselves!
Sorry Rachel you’ve got a case of the pests - glad you’ve pulled back from in person until this bout passes. It’s like fricking Men in Black - or something…
Yooo! This. Thanks 🖤😁
Sheesh Kebab Rachel, stranger danger that's horrible! Nevermind the bath water just sit in a tub full of the Epsom salts!
Progress today includes: bath. put on robe. now slowly picking things up off of the ground.
So, at this pace, I'm going to re-become a human in.....13 years;)
Omg sorry about the crazy kook! It’s definitely been intense to say the least. I’ve been in the middle of some personal transformation and the shedding started last week and ironically focusing on sacral chakra work, so this card pull is a welcome relief and confirmation. THANK YOU, just pulled out my Phoenix essence and added it to my essence regimen. Oh and totally with you on the chest stuff, it started last week for me.