
Thank you Rachel for having us on for such an incredible conversation. I was buzzing after we wrapped up and was left feeling very inspired by what Karen, Laura and you shared. Gooooo team Ted Talk! And sorry ghost of LRH, you can’t stop us 🤣🤣🤣

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It's the best Ted Talk ever. F*cking L. Ron Hubbard and his bullshit!

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I was soo inspired after this talk to Abigail, It was such an honor to be part of this collective dialogue with all of you. So, I’m that so sort I’d like to propose instead of TED that’s it’s — Freyja - going beyond the masculine one to a feminine collective.

I’m not good with finding the shorthand for that, but am sure we can begin a brainstorm here!!

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I appreciate how Rachel creates a safe space for her clients to be honest and to go beyond the “spiritual rhetoric” to their own voice and experiences with tarot, journeys, meditation, etc. For we all hold the key to our growth and spiritual gifts/path—we just need someone to hold a flashlight sometimes in order to find it. We then choose whether to use the key or not. It’s always a choice. 🙏🏼❤️

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Thank you, Karen-- when I get awesome clients (like you lovely ladies), all I really need to do is get out of the way;)

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I just finished re-listening to our chat, and I'm inspired all over again (and a new bird friend showed up today - ha - the titmouse is always welcome with its cute little tuft and coloration. I digress...)

THANK YOU Rachel for bringing us together for such an open and thoughtful conversation. And for not giving me a check list of to do's 😆 but rather empowering me to uncover my own revelations in our 1:1 - from the subtle to the big bangs.

THANK YOU Abigail and Karen for sharing your experiences and being my practice clients. (Karen, we're all but scheduled for our swap, so I'm counting you among the practice folks). I'm more than thrilled to connect with not only other spiritually inclined artists, but it's just comforting to know that I'm not alone.

THANK YOU to everyone who has listened, commented and/or helped support such a thought-provoking podcast. I'm more than happy to share more about my experiences should that be of interest (I literally have 30 pages of "journey field notes" from my shamanic journeys!) This community is a special one.

Cheers friends!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Laura Oxendine, Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

This podcast had a new conversation for me. I had never heard people discuss these topics. I got more in touch with my psychic ability. I remember, as a kid, my mom and I walked by a gentleman. I commented that he was an alcoholic and was cheating on his wife. My mom was baffled about why I would continually make these random comments about strangers. This conversation helped me realize more about myself, especially the statement, “What if the lights have always been on?”

I took so many notes, but I loved what Karen said at the end about taking a moment to pause and get back into our body before heading into a meeting or changing to a new activity. I work to pause and process what people are saying before responding, but it didn't occur to me to pause, take a few breaths, and check myself to ensure I am centered and in my body before entering a meeting or new conversation. I will be more present and in tune with my emotions and thoughts with this technique. Thanks, ladies!

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Judy-- thank you! So glad this episode resonated with you! Please consider sharing your thoughts with other potential listeners of our self-produced podcast by writing a review on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Reviews make a huge difference for us, and if you email me a screenshot with your snail mail address I'm currently sending "thank you" gifts for podcast reviews (through the end of 2023).

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

I'm taking a foundations of Ayurveda course and my teacher just last week mentioned we should never diagnose people. And it was like a lightbulb for me that diagnosis is a form of gatekeeping - the client then becomes reliant on the practitioner for the "cure" based on their diagnosis. She said all we're doing is offering medicine and the medicine works or it doesn't, but people ultimately heal themselves. It reminded me of all your conversations about ethical spiritual work with clients.

Excited for the program, thank you for sharing this conversation!

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100%-- love this! I think the pendulum is swinging back around to empowerment and democratization-- I think everyone is sick of the gate-keeping!

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Jan 4Liked by Laura Oxendine, Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

I loved this group and discussion. And yes, watch birds - for so many reasons. (And they do fight and it is hilarious.) One winter we were having a really tough time here and a bird every single night would sleep in the awning at our kitchen window. I felt like it was our angel that winter - it’s never happened since. But the next year a similar looking bird hopped to our door with a broken wing wanting our help.

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I love this!!!! You're the Bird Lady!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

LOVED this episode- feeling so inspired after listening! <3

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I’m inspired by them too, Tine. So glad it resonated with you!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

What I appreciate is Rachel's goal of teaching people to do this kind of work for themselves. This has been one of her taking points since I started listening and is evident here during this episode.

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Thank you Kenneth! It's a hard sell, but it's the RIGHT WAY to do this ish;)

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Rachel White, Abigail Kochunas

Very intriguing conversation! I loved it. Thank you all for your transparency sharing your experiences. 😍👌🏼👌🏼⭐️🎧

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